Tuesday, April 3, 2012

More Beautiful

Recently I was scanning through my twitter feed when I saw that someone had tweeted on simple line

"God must become more beautiful than our idols."~Anonymous

That stuck with me a lot. It continued to run through my head over and over. "God must become more beautiful than our idols." The profound message that I got out of it continued to turn over and over in my brain. 

Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. ~Matthew 22:36-38

 That is the "Greatest commandment". We must love God with ALL our heart mind and soul. The problem is in this day and age we often get caught up in the fact that God loves us so we love God and so on and so forth, but we love God just as much as we love everything else.

So much of the time we deal with this. We want to stop loving and we know that God can help us, but the problem is that we still see our idols as more beautiful than God. 

Before we can be free from our idols, we must love God more than we love them. It's a choice. We cannot love this world and God at the same time we can only love the things of this love, because God has loved us. 

So think about it. We have to get past our doubts about who God and the myths that we believe about Him and then we need to make God as beautiful as He is. When we love God that much, our idols can collapse, because the cannot compare to the beauty of our God and father. 

Just some thoughts

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